How to Solve the North Ford Bog Arrow Stones Treasure Vault Puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy is an open-world RPG game in the Harry Potter world.

You can explore familiar and new locations, discover magical beasts, and customize your character.

You can also craft potions, learn spell casting, upgrade talents, and become a master wizard.

As a student, you hold the key to an ancient secret that can tear the world apart.

Battle dark wizards, make allies and choose the fate of the wizarding world.

In this quick guide, you’ll learn how to solve the north ford bog arrow stones treasure vault puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy.

How to solve the North Ford Bog Arrow Stones treasure vault puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy

To solve the North Ford Bog Arrow Stones Treasure Vault Puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy, you need to cast Wingardium Leviosa on the stone.

After that, rotate the stone using the D-pad on your controller or press “E” on your keyboard.

Rotate the stone until the arrow is pointing downwards and place it on the block of stones.

Here’s how to do this (expand the screenshots above):

  1. Cast Wingardium Leviosa on the stone.
  2. Rotate the stone using the D-pad or the “E” key on your keyboard.
  3. Rotate the stone until the arrow is pointing downwards.
  4. Place the stone on the block of stones.

After you’ve rotated the stone and placed it on the block of stones, the puzzle will be completed.

Search the chest to get a Brown Palmette Scarf.

Further reading

How to Solve the Great Hall Door Puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy

How to Solve the Skeleton Bones Puzzle in the Treasure Vault in Hogwarts Legacy

How to Solve Keenbridge Merlin Trial Puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy

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